
Launching Las Vegas 2018 Has Officially Begun

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Launching Las Vegas 2018 Has Officially Begun

Now in its fourth year, the annual Launching Las Vegas award celebrates local startups that contribute to the economic growth and vitality of Las Vegas. The founder of the award, Dr. Samir Pancholi, is a successful entrepreneur himself and believes in the...

4 Facts About EVO 2018 You Should Know

The Evolution Championship Series (EVO) is a major fighting game competition that came to life in 1996 with the original name of Battle By The Bay. The name EVO was adopted in 2002 and the event moved to Vegas in 2005. Here it is 22 years later taking up prime real...

Arcade 1 Up Brings Sexy Back At EVO 2018

The era of the flip phone and MySpace gave birth to our current hyper-connected life. Before all that, spending your last quarter at the local arcade was the only way to avoid chores and homework. Arcade 1 Up brings back that experience at EVO 2018 in Las Vegas and...

Dotware Games Launch Highlights Vegas Tech Growth

Conner Torres and his game development startup Dotware just announced the launch of their new game Ahkenaten: Rule As Pharaoh. Akhenaten is a turn-based game where players control economy, culture, and growth of their population from small grass huts in a village...

Build A Robot And Take Over Summer Camp

The boredom of summer is often solved by chores, swimming, sports, or making robots to take over the world. Code Central is offering kids 7-17 and chance to avoid chores and the sunburns that accompany swimming and sports with Summer Tech Camps. A series of...

Google’s Big Nevada Purchase

In mid-April, Google purchased 1,210 acres of land in the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center (TRI) for $29.1 million.Technically, it was $29,096,190.95 plus tax, but who's counting? Rumors abound as to the intended use of the land, but according to Google spokespeople,...

UNLV Students Crush It At CES Win $10k

Students from the UNLV College of Engineering won $10,000 at CES this year by developing software to assist the City of Las Vegas identify streetlight outages. Team Wingin' It had 24 hours to come up with a solution to a city problem using their own knowledge,...